Monday, December 6, 2010

A pile of babies

i have not had all of my babies piled on me like this in a long time.

So we took a few pictures just so we could remember.
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No more pushing

Liam has mastered the run and jump of sleigh riding.

He made all of his own tracks down the driveway and I caught him before he flew into the road

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Tree trimming

An impromtu and incredibly chaotic tree trimming occurred and everyone helped!

With all of the strep, bronchitis and other bugs that have been travelling throguh the family, it was nice to have a night where everyone was well enough to just enjoy the tree.

Ainsley kept Henry in line, as always.

The kids did a great job on their tree.
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Cute and crazy

Campbell looks happily at the camera for a picture.

I was trying to document her new hobby- striping off her clothes and her diaper whenever possible, including in the middle of a pancake breakfast.

Ainsley has recently picked up the practice too and we have to tie twist ties through their zippers and snaps to keep them dressed at night.

they are looking more like three big kids! The girls have recently discovered television and are now in love with "the Mouse"///What is it about that Mickey??
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Crime and Punishment

Liam, while into building with legos, will only build two things: guns and towers.

This, he tells me, is a gun.

Campbell is very aware of her own naughty behavior and can often be found punishing herself in Henry's crate

and releasing herself too!
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A November Update

In an effort to introduce the concept, we have pretty much added potty chairs to the living room decor in hopes of praising a circumstantial accident.

Ainsley (l) and Campbell (r) get one last wear out of their Halloween kitty shirts.

Campbell discovers that markers do not taste quite as good as crayons do.

Liam meticulously works on his drawings and writings while his sisters are fast asleep.
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