Friday, December 26, 2008

We have names!!!

Names and Christmas pictures coming soon...we are still enjoying our holiday. All the best to our friends and family in the new year!!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Sister/Baby Update

Both of the girls are growing well. They are estimated to be about 2 1/2 lbs each at this point. I am doing fine and surviving at home. All good reports from the doctor.

Small disclaimer for my crazy family- we have not picked names yet, no one knows the names, we are not secretly sharing names with one sister and not the other...we just haven't decided; it could be anything and none of you will know until we know, ok.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Breakfast with Santa

This morning we went to the pancake breakfast at St. Ann's to see Santa Claus!

Liam was very excited! He ate lots of pancakes and candy canes before he could muster up the courage to see Santa.

We talked to him for a bit and when he asked Liam what he wanted for Christmas, Liam just told him that we were going to make him cookies!

This is the closest we've come since he was a baby..not too bad.

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Parents Night Out

Probably the last time we'll get out with all of our friends before the baby comes. We had a great time and stayed out much later than normal- though we missed Sarah and Kristin.

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Just a little off the top!

Chuck and Liam had a special day together. Liam got a big boy haircut, they went to lunch and then saw the Polar Express at the local cinema. Liam sat in the firetruck this time for his hair cut.

He seems a little unsure about all of this

Ok, now he just seems unhappy.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...a lollipop- the best part about getting a hair cut

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Unpacking Christmas

Decorating has taken us a bit longer than usual this year so Liam has improvised with all of our holiday stuff strewn about the living room. Here he is using a party popper and holiday tin as a drum.
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Away in a manger

Liam plays with his new Little People nativity set from Nana and Grandpa
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

with lots of tasting

We finally got the gingerbread train all together. Liam has a sugar high for hours

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Jacob comes to visit!

Our friends Julie and Damien brought their little guy to our place on Thanksgiving weekend. Jacob loved the Jumperoo

He is crawling well

and Liam insisted on holding the "baby" who is almost as big as he is!
At least it is good practice for his baby sisters on the way.
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Happy Thanksgiving

We had another wonderful family holiday at Susan and Will's. The food was fantastic and the company was superb. Liam's cousins kept him busy all day with no nap and I barely saw him. It was so relaxing that I have no photos and had to steal this one from my dad's website.

A little belly and two of the four sisters, Susan and Pegeen

Let me tell you 'bout my best friend

It is hard to believe that we ever worried about how Liam and Grady would get along.

Liam adores his puppy dog

Grady tolerates the funny glasses, santa hats and fireman outfits that Liam dresses him in

Happiness is a warm puppy.

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