Checking out the course with Nana befor the siren. Can you see all of those eggs?

His cousin, Heather, coaches him on egg hunt strategy
His cousin, Heather, coaches him on egg hunt strategy
He is off and seems to be more interested in picking up the candy packs then the eggs (who decided that was a good idea? what kid prefers an egg to skittles??)
With a lot of hard work and some serious blocking by Heather, Liam found a PRIZE egg. He received this chocolate bunny for his accomplishment.
Although Liam seems happy in all of these photos, he was absolutley terrified of the giant Easter bunny walking around town. In his defense, the bunny had a blood red mouth and big teeth. It was so bad that Chuck almost took him home, but we managed to keep him there. Afterwards he pleaded that the bunny NOT come to his house and as we drove away later that night and passed the park where the hunt was I could hear Liam saying to himself " the Easter bunny is all gone, Liam is safe, Liam is safe"..poor kid!
1 comment:
Good job Liam, your Aunt Shawnie is very proud of you!
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