While helping me go through his old baby bins, Liam found a whole container of newborn pacifiers which he took once while he was a baby. he tried them all out and settled on this one and kept it in his mouth for a few hours.

Thankfully, when he realized that I could not understand him with the passifier in his mouth he settled with the fact that they were for babies. Because he now knew they were for babies he took it, lifted up my shirt and tried to push it into my belly button to give to the babies!
Thankfully, when he realized that I could not understand him with the passifier in his mouth he settled with the fact that they were for babies. Because he now knew they were for babies he took it, lifted up my shirt and tried to push it into my belly button to give to the babies!
Ayden will now only use Josslynn's pacifiers. He gave me his and told me "gross, Ayden wants baby pac." Maybe I'll have to try the I can't understand you route.
BTW it's too cute he tried to give them to your belly. Already is a great big brother!
I agree what a great big brother he will be.. So cute.. That wont be the last baby toy or thing he will want..lol..
haha So cute! I wish Chloe would realize they were fo0r babies now!
Good thing that 'innie' is an 'outie'! How sweet is he?!
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