Thursday, March 27, 2008

Loving the mud

Today we got to catch up with our good friends Maddie and Abe.

Everyone went outside to play with Walter, Abe's puppy.

The ramp to the shed made an excellent slide

and Walter was great entertainment too.

Thanks for a great time!

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So big

After we met Avery's new baby brother we headed to the park because it was such a beautiful day.
Liam is so big now that he climbs the jungle gym himself

and goes down the slide

and falls running through the fields

I can hardly remember his 6 pound 10 oz little body.

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Shamrock shakes aren't for sharing!

Liam stole this one from me and enjoyed it in his new kitchen
while we were visiting the new house after we closed- yeah!!

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday

We joined the Gardner family for brunch and fun. Everything was beautifully decorated for the special day.
Here is little Anna waiting for some lunch.

Liam got in some "boy time" with Jack Murphy. They are only two months apart.

and girl time with Anna and the Cinderella toys..
what a face ( she really wasn't interested in photos today)

The twins were busy playing doctor and dress up.
It was a great event. Thanks for having us guys!

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First Egg Hunt

It was a very exciting Easter morning at the Gardner house. The Easter bunny set out eggs in the basement for all of the kids to find. Liam wasn't quite sure of what to do at first.

But with a little encouragement he got the idea.

He found lots of eggs and even got some extras from the very generous girls

Basement egg hunts are lots of fun. Thanks Easter Bunny Richard!

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Exploring Weatherby and Under the Sea

Liam checks out Weatherby

and the camera

and his cousin Keenan

Later we saw Heather in her stage debut as the Little Mermaid.

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Playing around in the backyard

Now that we are on a countdown- only three more weeks at our house in the city.
Liam has been spending a lot more time in his backyard.

Getting really wet and dirty in the mud and snow

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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Rainy day = afternoon at the zoo

We haven't been to the zoo in at least five months so it was a whole new experience for Liam.
He loved it- especiallythe fish.

and this cute kitty. It is the new ocelot. We spent a lot of time watching her closely.
She rubbed up against the glass for us like a domestic looking for some atention.
We were both pretty mesmerized

And the best exhibit of all for Liam were all of the other kids.
Everything he saw the big kids do, he had to try as well.

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Completely stolen!

I stole this picture from the Mom's group page. Thanks for taking it Paula.

Look at those boys busy in the kitchen. Ayden, Liam and Trent are cooking up a feast.
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Playdate at Maddie's house

Avery loved playing peek-a-boo behind the couch

Liam admired all of maddie's baby photos.

We saw our friend Trent

and spent lots of time going head first down the slide

Thanks, Maddie! We had a great time.
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5 more minutes

As we get closer to daylight savings, Liam is sleeping a little bit longer each morning.
He didn't even hear me in his room or wake up after the flash.

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Monday, March 3, 2008

Favorite things

A new favorite..linguini and clam sauce

and reading books with mommy

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My favorite cupboard

"I'm just going to step inside my little office"

"Hey, how did you find me?"

"What the heck are these things?"

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